

The quickstart sets up a ReadySet instance and a sample database on your local machine using Docker.

Before starting, make sure you have Docker Engine version >= 19.03.0​ and Docker Compose V2 (opens in a new tab) OR Docker Desktop >= 4.1.0 and the MySQL or Postgres client installed.

1. Download and run the ReadySet Docker compose file

curl -o compose.yml "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/readysettech/docs/main/docs/assets/compose.postgres.yml" && RS_PORT=5433 RS_GRAFANA_PORT=4000 docker compose up -d

2. Import sample data

curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/readysettech/docs/main/docs/assets/imdb-postgres.sql" | psql 'postgresql://postgres:readyset@'

Data loading will be slow on Macs with Apple Silicon.

3. Connect and explore the dataset

Connect to ReadySet and enable query timing.

psql 'postgresql://postgres:readyset@'

Run a sample query.

Note that since we have not created a cache, this query is served by Postgres.

testdb=> SELECT count(*) FROM title_ratings
JOIN title_basics ON title_ratings.tconst = title_basics.tconst
WHERE title_basics.startyear = 2000 AND title_ratings.averagerating > 5;
(1 row)
Time: 154.980 ms

4. Cache a query!

Using the CREATE CACHE FROM SQL extension, cache the query in ReadySet.

testdb=> CREATE CACHE FROM SELECT count(*) FROM title_ratings
JOIN title_basics ON title_ratings.tconst = title_basics.tconst
WHERE title_basics.startyear = 2000 AND title_ratings.averagerating > 5;

Validate that creating the cache succeeded by running the query again. This time, it is served by ReadySet.

testdb=> SELECT count(*) FROM title_ratings
JOIN title_basics ON title_ratings.tconst = title_basics.tconst
WHERE title_basics.startyear = 2000 AND title_ratings.averagerating > 5;
 count(coalesce(`public`.`title_ratings`.`tconst`, 0))
(1 row)
Time: 2.073 ms

5. Explore Grafana

Navigate to localhost:4000 to view query latency metrics for ReadySet and Postgres. 6. Try more queries!

Explore the dataset and test ReadySet's performance with additional queries.

View currently cached queries:


View proxied queries:


Remove a cache:

DROP CACHE <cache id>

Next steps

Deploy ReadySet against your own database